Monday, April 5, 2010

*sob* I didn't even make it into the top 5 for the second hand fashion show.

"you don't see me like I see myself in the mirrow,"-Jade. And it's true, everybody sees something different when they look at themselfs. Because I'm a very vain and prideful person, I see myself as someone who can put together marvolus outfits. Other people may not see that, and it's okay. I just want to stay me, and not be pressured to dress like someone else just to win something, or impress people. Oh, by the way, I centered this outfit around the keds for the casual keds contest on Okay, so in this case I'll dress in something someone told me to (keds) because come on! It's a trip to newyork for fall fashion week! I'm such a hippocrite.
Keds only look good on me when my outfit is nautically inspired. L<3VED

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