Thursday, May 27, 2010

Everything looks cooler through a fish eye lense...

ha too bad for you I don't have one. But hey, I still have blurry arms for your enjoyment. So, as you might have been able to tell from previus posts, I've decided to try and take creative photos! Yay! No more boring bathroom wall.
Notice that we have two pravias, not just one:) Ladys and gentalmen, the homeschool buses.

I really like this belt because of all the colors and it also has a sort of little man pattern.

I actually got ride of this skirt a while back but when my sister didn't want it anymore I welcomed it back to my side of the closet with open arms.

haha I stink at vollyball.

I am so excited for tomorrow! I get to see my first drive in movie! I'm going with my friend and her family and we're going to see prince of Persia and alice and wonderland. Plus I'll get some cha-ching $$ tomorrow mourning for babysitting. L<3VED

1 comment:

  1. Love the belt! Thanks for your lovely comment.

    Lots of love,
