Don't you love these little sunglasses? I've had them for forever and a day. And that my friend, is a long time.
Funny story about this green jacket thing. My friend's Dad's family pulls names and they get a present for whoever's name they pull. Well he pulled his sisters name, and she was really upset because she knew she would hate whatever he got her. So he went to good will and found the ugliest dress they had, and gave it to her. She was so super mad! Then he gave her the gift card he had gotten for her. This present returned every year, and whoever recieved it had to wear it and have his/her photo taken in it. Including my friend's Dad. And then he gave it to me, I guess the family tradition is over, 'cause this chick is not giving it up!
Love the tights and shorts+suspenders in the second outfit! Soo cute. =] And that's an awesome story about the dress. I love it when articles of clothing have a history like that. =D